Hi! My name is Michael Davies, and I'm a 3D Artist currently based in London. I have had the incredible privilege to work on amazing feature projects such as Batman vs Superman, Doctor Strange, Thor Ragnarok and many others for companies such as Double Negative, Industrial Light and Magic and Prime Focus. I have worked on many freelance projects with clients such as Unicef, Wired, 1FilmUnit, Verbal Entertainment and Karammel. My main areas of expertise are Modelling and Rigging, but have worked as a Generalist and Supervisor on projects also. As well as my production and freelance work, I also work at Escape Studios as an Animation Tutor, as well as with Autodesk as an Accredited Trainer for their program Maya, as well an Accredited Trainer for Unreal Engine. I'm always looking for the next challenge!
Problem Solving
Commitment and Enthusiasm
Modelling, Sculpting, Texturing, Rigging (Using Maya, ZBrush, Substance Painter etc.)
Project Management (Supervision) and Organisation
I bring these skills with a friendly and productive outlook, realising that, especially within the VFX/Games Industries, that the best projects and work are created by teams of people, who push each other, but also allow themselves to be pushed. It's in this environment that I would be suited best, to further my development and hopefully that of others.